MSS, CRF, and the Missouri Caving Community – Online Presentation

This presentation will be an overview or project caving in Missouri and describe how the MSS & CRF work to complement one another in conjunction with the Missouri caving community.  Topics covered will be the various services each organization provides, cooperative agreements and partnerships with state and federal agencies and the Missouri Cave Database.

Rigging for Rescue

At the November 2019 MVG meeting, Chad McCain gave a demonstration on rigging for rescues.  

Craters of the Moon Cave Archeology

At the October 2019 MVG Meeting, Craig P. Williams of CAIRN gave a presentation on the cave archeology of Craters of the Moon National Park.

MVG Knot Class, Rope School, and Pit

Tony Schmitt held a knot class at the August 2019 MVG meeting, followed by a rope school at his barn the following Saturday, with a cave trip to a pit on Sunday.  Thanks Tony.

Ste. Genevieve County Cave Clean Up

On May 11, 2019, MVG members in cooperation with the MCKC participated in a cave clean up in Ste. Genevieve County.

Carroll Cave Conservancy acquires the second entrance!

The Carroll Cave Conservancy, which many MVG members belong to, announced that they have acquired the second entrance! Check out the Caroll Cave Conservancy Website for more information.

July 2018 Meeting was in a cave

Meeting rooms are great for meetings, but the Meramec Valley Grotto decided to have their meeting outside.  Not just outside, but underground. The Meramec Valley Grotto, a collection of individuals that love caves, went underground for their July 2018 meeting.It was a typical monthly meeting, but underground.  Grotto business was conducted, and trips were discussed. The …