NCRC Cave Rescue Training 2022

In October 2022, the National Cave Rescue Commission hosted a two day cave rescue training at Berome Moore Cavern in Perryville, MO.  Many MVG members attended. Pictures compliments of Rob Lawson.

MVG Cavers Rescue Dog in Perry County Cave

Rick Haley, with the Meramec Valley Grotto, was instrumental in saving a dog in a Perry County Cave.

Chaminade High School Grotto Newsletters

In the 1970s, Chaminade High School in St. Louis, once had a student grotto.  Unfortunately, the grotto is defunct, but here are a couple of their newsletters. October 1972 Vol6 No2 October 1972 Vol5 No6 December 1971 Vol5 No4 Chaminade Vol 5 Number 10 Chaminade Vol 5 Number 9 Chaminade Grotto Vol 5 Number 8 Cardinal and White

Canoeing and Caving

On September 11, 2021, twelve MVG members and guests canoed to a great cave, and explored the cave.  We monitored the cave, recorded information on biology, and provided a written report to the MSS and the land owner.   If this sounds like fun to you and you are interested in caving with us, please contact us.

MVG Meeting in Cliff Cave

The Meramec Valley Grotto had their July 2021 meeting inside Cliff Cave.  There was a huge turn out and there was a bonus cave trip.